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Splatoon Spain

Rebranding de marca.
Año: 2024
Cliente: Splatoon Spain

Overflow Series es un torneo competitivo del videojuego Splatoon, creado por la comunidad de Splatoon Spain (anteriormente conocidos como Splatoon UCS).
Este evento tiene como objetivo atraer a jugadores de todo el territorio español, fomentar el juego competitivo y apoyar a la comunidad.


Creacion de logo e imagen de marca
Año: 2023
Cliente: Splatoon Spain

Overflow Series es un torneo competitivo del videojuego Splatoon, creado por la comunidad de Splatoon Spain (anteriormente conocidos como Splatoon UCS).
Este evento tiene como objetivo atraer a jugadores de todo el territorio español, fomentar el juego competitivo y apoyar a la comunidad.

Para este proyecto debíamos realizar el logo que representaría el torneo, así como diseños conceptuales para la apariencia de las retransmisiones en directo, anuncios en redes sociales y diversos assets.Se buscó una estética colorida, en donde predominasen las curvas y ondulaciones, que diese una sensación de verano, ya que iba a ser durante esta época cuando se realizase el torneo.
También se buscaba que lo creado para el torneo fuese facilmente asociable al videojuego Splatoon, por lo que fue una gran fuente de referencia.

A la hora de escoger los colores, normativismo en los colores azules que utilizaba Splatoon Spain, añadiendo además los colores representativos del cuarteto de mascotas de la comunidad.Este añadido le dio una personalidad al evento, además de permitirnos realizar un color code para los modos de juego y equipos participantes.

Al año siguiente se decidió hacer una actualización del logo debido al rebranding de Splatoon Spain.

-Brand identity

Cortinillas - Comedy Central

Creacion de cortinillas para un canal de television.
Año: 2024
Practica de: Adobe After effects

This work consisted of creating two animated tv channel bumpers in After Effects, which were made for Comedy Central.The objective of these was to be as faithful as possible to the style and format of the current bumpers of the television channel while looking for to include new elements that refresh the formula.

A study was carried out on Comedy Central's previous bumpers, as well as the channel itself and Paramount, the company that owns it.With this information, the storyboards of the bumpers to be made were created, which would include distance as a differentiating element (that is, the closeness and distance of the elements to the screen).
This distance includes the possibility that objects can collide with the screen and break it, resulting in an illuminating visual feature of the gimmick.
In searching for fidelity with the previous bumpers, the same elements have been maintained: channel logo and flat background.Once the animations were made, they were exported to Premiere Pro, where music and sound effects were added.

Bumper 1 - Racing

Bumper 2 - 4º Wall

-Web design

Bodega Hectárea

Diseño de etiquetas y prototipo web.
Año: 2023
Practica de: Adobe Xd

Bodega Hectárea consists of a web prototype about a wine cellar and the creation of a minimum of one label for a bottle of wine.

We started by developing a logo for the fictitious brand, which was very simple as it was not the main work of this project.At the same time, the wine labels were developed, which ended up being three, forming a collection of sweet wines.


Once the brand and its product have been developed, we begin to set up the website.This website consists of a home page, a store, an informative section about the brand and a contact section.This prototype was also adapted to mobile format once the web version was finished.

-Cover design


Diseño de etiquetas y prototipo web.
Año: 2024
Practica de: Adobe Photoshop

For this work we had to design an album cover with low key lighting photographs.Along with the album cover, we had to also make the vinyl stickers and the pamphlet that use to come with the discs.

For this, a photographic session was carried out where a hard red light was used as the main light.
This was intended to ensure that one side of the model was illuminated red, while the other part stayed normal.
In editing, everything was put in black and white except the red parts, in addition to retouching the lighting.
Once the photos were ready we developed the designs, looking for a mysterious aesthetic with a certain cockiness on the part of the model.